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Crawling Insects

American Cockroach

(Periplaneta americana)

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The American cockroach is the largest of the common cockroach pests found in Britain. Not as common as the German or Oriental

Common Garden Ant

(Lasius Niger)

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The garden ant or black ant is usually found in the garden, beneath paving stories, flower beds and basis of walls. Winged females and males appear in the summer

Common Garden Snail

(Cornu aspersum)

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Found throughout the Uk, the carrion crow is part of the crow family along with jackdaws, magpie's, ravens...

German Cockroach

(Blattella germanica)

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The German cockroach is the most common cockroach found in the UK today. A smaller species of cockroach, these cockroaches will produce more eggs

Harliquin Ladybird

(Harmonia axyridis)

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Not native to the UK, the Canada goose is very much part of the furniture. They can often be seen...

Orange Ladybird

(Halyzia sedecimguttata)

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Found throughout the Uk, the carrion crow is part of the crow family along with jackdaws, magpie's, ravens...

Oriental Cockroach

(Blatta orientalis)

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The Oriental cockroach both male and female are very dark brown almost black. They can be found living in moist high humidity areas such as boiler rooms


(Lepisma saccharina)


Found in warm or damp conditions, Sunder the bath, in boiler cupboards, storerooms etc. They are not known for causing damage

Varied Carpet Beetle

(Anthrenus verbascci)

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The varied carpet beetle tends to feed on pollen and nectar, but its larvae, the Woolly bear, eat fibres like carpets, clothing, furniture


(Order Isopoda)


Found in damp areas in soil and around buildings, they are a closer relation to prawns and crabs than insects. Woodlice are more of a...

Woolly Bear

(Anthrenus verbasci)

Woolly Bear

The Woolly bear is the larvae of the Varied carpet beetle. These larvae are known to damage natural fibres such as carpets

Yellow Cellar Slug

(Limacus Flavus)

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Found throughout the Uk, the carrion crow is part of the crow family along with jackdaws, magpie's, ravens...

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