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False Black Widow

Steatoda spp.

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False Black Widows build cobwebs in dark, secluded areas. Females produce egg sacs containing several dozen eggs, which they guard until they hatch. These spiders are less aggressive and typically avoid human contact.


False Black Widows prey on insects and other small arthropods. They immobilize their prey with venom and consume the liquefied insides. They often hang upside down in their webs, waiting for prey to get caught.

The False Black Widow, Steatoda grossa, is often mistaken for the more dangerous Black Widow due to its similar appearance. However, its bite is less harmful, causing mild to moderate pain and swelling..


False Black Widows are medium-sized, with females measuring about 0.4-0.6 inches in body length. They have a dark brown to black coloration with a round, bulbous abdomen. Unlike Black Widows, they lack the distinctive red hourglass marking but may have lighter markings on their abdomen.


False Black Widows are found in various environments, including homes, sheds, garages, and under rocks or debris. They prefer dark, undisturbed locations where they can build their webs and remain hidden.

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